Tag: Europe

  • Columbus was a Sephardic Jew from Western Europe, study finds

    Columbus was a Sephardic Jew from Western Europe, study finds

    The 15th-century explorer Christopher Columbus was a Sephardic Jew from Western Europe, Spanish scientists said on Saturday, after using DNA analysis to tackle a centuries-old mystery. Several countries have argued over the origins and the final burial place of the divisive figure who led Spanish-funded expeditions from the 1490s onward, opening the way for the…

  • A surging far right cements its place in Europe

    A surging far right cements its place in Europe

    LONDON — If Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential election next month, he will find across the Atlantic a hotbed of political parties that share his rightward mix of authoritarianism, populism and extreme hostility to immigration. This is the rise of the European far right, which reached a high-water mark on Sept. 29 when Austria’s Freedom…

  • Delta says travelers are trading scorching summer Europe trips for fall getaways

    Delta says travelers are trading scorching summer Europe trips for fall getaways

    Summer trips to Europe are getting too hot for thousands of tourists. Delta Air Lines President Glen Hauenstein said travelers are opting out of flying to Europe during the traditional summer peak travel season. Instead, they are shifting trips to cooler months, a trend that airline officials have been noticing over the past couple of years…